Hey kids, we have a new addition to this year’s events and it’s just for you!
The Good Samaritan Society-Bloomfield is sponsoring a youth triathlon in Crofton, Friday July 29, the night before Crofton’s Dam Race. This untimed fun course is for ages 8-13 located at the Crofton Pool parking lot. The course will consist of half mile run, 1 mile bike and 1 lap around the pool.
Registration is Friday, July 29, 5:15-5:45 p.m. with race beginning at 6 p.m. Registration is $10. Proceeds from the youth race will be donated to the Crofton Swimming Pool Fund. Each participant will receive a goody bag.
Questions? Call Amber Jansen 402-358-0806 or email amberrjansen@gmail.com.
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